The Impact of Space Exploration

Author:Lixiaodan Release time:24/10/14

By Leo (Yang Chengxin) from 2301

Hi,everyone. I’m Leo from 2301, and it’s my honor to be here. Today my topic is about the impact of space exploration.

As we all know, nowadays, some of the countries have already started space exploration, including China, which have landed on the moon several times and obtained the soil from the moon. People may ask: Why do we need to explore the space? Isn’t it a waste of revenue?

Having said that, consider the cost up to now, the value of space exploration we got is not enough. But why don’t we think further?

It’s apparent that: The resources people need on Earth won’t increase, in fact, the amount of some resources are reducing rapidly, like the oil. People may be able to find another energy resource to replace oil, but the new resource will still face the risk of running out. From this, we can figure out the importance of space exploration: Compare to the Earth, the resources in the universe can be seen as infinite. Once we can travel in the universe, we won’t need to worry about resource issues for a very long time.